Today, we will talk about small enterprises and their opportunity to reach global markets. There is no doubt that small enterprises suffer a lot in their endeavor to keep stability in the market and increase their market shares, especially with the existence of Corona crisis that created many obstacles and in return many successes as the crisis led to rapid movement of some projects that rushed to keep pace with technology and provide market needs, unlike some other projects that do not support change and insist on working in a traditional pattern that does not keep pace with development and current conditions.

Among the most important factors that we deem necessary for local projects to launch into global markets, as follows:

  • Quality, as the products or services of small enterprises must have high quality to keep pace with the global market and it is available for small enterprises.

  • Identifying the needs of global market from products or services to be exported to various countries.

  • Facilities in transactions, fees and logistical procedures, such as shipping and storage.

  • Opening means of cooperation between countries and facilitating investment contracts, agencies as well as franchises.

  • Providing global platforms to offer franchise rights to those who wish to obtain them.


All such factors help launching small projects into global markets. There is no doubt that a country like China has achieved a lot of cooperation with many small enterprises by providing the products that the customer needs from small projects that are manufactured by Chinese factories in accordance with the required high quality specifications of the Gulf.

Undoubtedly, the Business and Professional Women Network seeks to motivate members to international participations, and help them achieving high quality, introducing them to the conditions of franchising so as to be capable of exporting their products abroad. This is our role, especially for women, by advancing the economic wheel and providing women with the right ways to achieve full financial independence.

We were keen on that by providing courses, workshops as well as lectures that help them to do so. Our members are invited to participate and visit exhibitions around the world, as it happened before, by visiting Dubai and Pakistan, and some training visits to the United States and the Netherlands, upon an invitation from several parties.

Launching local product into global markets and the expansion of small enterprise to more than one country is considered an achievement for entrepreneurs who started from the scratch in an attempt to innovate and develop their services and products. That is why our participation today represents a door that we open for you to introduce you to the achievements of small projects, as well as to get to know your achievements further.

Among the recommendations that we would like to include in our schedule today:

  • Joint cooperation between countries in terms of exchanging concession rights or manufacturing and investment.

  • There should be a platform to bring together small entrepreneurs from both countries.

  • Translating websites into Arabic or English, as well as products (from Chinese).


This is the most important ways of cooperation to achieve the best for all.

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